I wanted To Be A Barber and I Will Take Ghana Music Global - Tulenkey

I have many talents, but when growing up I wanted to be a Barber. My father nearly killed me for saying that. Ghana music takes height rapidly thanks to the hard work of both emerging and well established artists working in the music industry. Tulenkey who tags himself "The First Born of Yaa Pono" is one of the artists making waves in the music industry. On the Drive Time Show hosted by Emmanuel Atsu Tei Conte on Summer Radio Tulenkey spoke about other talents he's got and what he wanted to be before switching to rap. On the Drive Time Show, Tulenkey revealed that, he started singing unprofessionally in the Primary school, but he was also good in drawing, a good goalkeeper and most importantly, a full time comedian. But entering into the Senior High Level, most people had all these skills which was better than him. He then realized that rapping was what made him standout in school, so he focused on it. Speaking about himself, he made mention of him wanting to be a barbe...