Biden’s ‘inshallah’ during US debate dubbed ‘historic’ on Twitter

Social media users react to Joe Biden using the Arabic term to express hope over a probe in Trump tax controversy. Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden cast doubt during Tuesday night’s debate on whether US President Donald Trump would ever release his tax returns . “You’ll get to see it,” Trump said repeatedly as moderator Chris Wallace pressed him to commit to a firm timeline. Biden retorted, “When? Inshallah?” While the Arabic language phrase translates to “God willing,” it also has colloquial connotations of ambiguous commitment. Biden earlier released his personal income taxes, which show the former vice president and his wife Jill Biden paid about 30 percent of their $985,000 gross personal income. Trump, on the other hand, has refused to voluntarily release his income tax returns – a presidential custom stretching back decades. On Monday, the New York Times reported that Trump did not pay any federal income taxes in 10 of the last 15 year...