The Language Of Parenthood: What We Must Know


Child upbringing is a very tough work to do. When you know what to do at all times make parenthood an interesting activity. Most often the things we try to impose on our children may cause the child to either go wayward or live a bad life.

The way children think varies. Every generation and the kind of IQ these youngsters exhibits. Gone were the days where you can meet a child, take what the food he/she is holding and eat just by telling them that their parents asked you to come for it. It this era, that thing is no more. A small boy/girl will say no to you even if you insist of taking what they are holding. With these in mind, it is important that our parents know how to nurture children of today. In the past, parents beat their children to shape them into respectful and humble children. In this generation, you will have to do a blend of pampering and punishing to get them in order.

What We Must Know:

Time To Be Strict On Your Child:- At the very tender age of our lives is the most important time for parents to strictly nurture us. It makes your child very disciplined and they will grow becoming responsible, respectful and humble. When parents are strict on their 0-11 year old children, they live their life knowing fully well that anytime they do bad things, they will be punished.

Where Stricting a Child Can Fail:-  From 12 years old and above, there is a lot of changes that happen to the child. Especially the girl child. They do not call for any strict parenting any more. They want to build friendship with you so as to share their problems and worries with you. That is the time that their hormones becomes very active. Boys don’t seize worrying them. That is the time that they see different changes and emotions in their life. At all times they want answers and desperately looking for some. When you continue to be strict on them, they turn to rely on anyone who will be willing to treat them well. This is the reason why there is many teenage pregnancy cases in our communities.

I believe that our parents will begin to look at parenting in a different way. Let us try to understand our children so as to nurture them well to reduce indiscipline in our societies.


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